Saturday, June 15, 2019

HUman Rights(United Nations Declaration of Human Rightss 1948) Essay

HUman Rights(United Nations Declaration of Human Rightss 1948) - Essay Exampled surrounding nations are hotbeds of caste and religious discriminations whereas the USA and EU nations regularly discriminate on the basis color and gender. The USA operates an inhuman detention centre at the US naval base in Guantnamo Bay, Cuba. In fact there is no nation in the world where only human beings are treated as equals.Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forwards in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. . jibe to special rapporteur of the UN Mr. Githu Muigai An estimated 250 million people around the world are at risk of irreverences of civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights, including violence, marginalization and discriminationThis fact is applicable to all nations including the developed western societies an d backward third world countries. Some governments go so far as to explicitly rationalize some forms of discrimination in the name of morals, religion, cultural equality or even national security. Discrimination protected by law for example, where the law limits religious freedoms (the decision to ban headscarves in France) or refuses to recognize Indigenous Peoples rights ( Aborigine mistreatment in Australia) effectively strips away human rights.( Discrimination, no date)In the United States, the consequence of the Bush administrations decision to involution terrorism without regard to the basic human rights is a gross violation of this article. Thousands have been detained without fair trial because they belong to a particular religion or region. France is guilty of Islam phobia and Xenophobia is a major issue in all western societies. The under developed nations of Africa are guilty of genocide, and every conceivable violation of basic rights, other nations specially in the In dian subcontinent are guilty of caste, religious and gender

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